@ARTICLE{Góźdź_Ks._Krzysztof_Time_2017, author={Góźdź, Ks. Krzysztof}, number={Tom 12}, pages={155-171}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={The author puts forward a hypothesis related to the interpretation of the thought of Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI on the interrelation of time and eternity. Different religions offer different ways of departing temporality - the way of being within the confines of time - towards some extratemporal existence, commonly referred to as eternity or immortality. This perspective evokes a fundamental question: if time wants to reach beyond itself towards eternity, is it that eternity - in its turn - stays in a kind of interrelation to time, or is it a kind of negative atemporality? In its view of the matter, Christianity makes a clear statement that God has power over time, which implies that God participates in the temporal reality. This participation manifests itself overtly through the Incarnation of the Son of God. Consequently, this participation shows that man takes part in the eternity of God. In this sense, a Christian reaches eternity through his/her existence in the Person of the Resurrected Jesus. This ability to eternally remain in Jesus rests on the immortal element of the human being - that is his/her spiritual soul. The soul opens a path towards salvation and the relational eternity, that is a relationship of a Christian person with the Son of God and through Him with God as Trinitary Love. This is how Christianity – while respecting the linear nature of time – promotes a positive cyclical (yet not a reiterative) concept of time, which manifests itself in the exitus - reditus relationship. Exitus is an autonomous act of God’s creation, while reditus - is a human self-sacrifice as exemplified by the Son of God. Jesus’ self-sacrifice to God the Father is a model of how time can be projected onto a new way of existence: eternity. Therefore, Christ brings time to its fullness. His Event marks the beginning of eternity for the faithful}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Time and Eternity according to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/103827/PDF/SNT08G%C3%B3%C5%BAd%C5%BC.pdf}, doi={10.24425/119344}, keywords={time, eternity, immortality, spiritual soul, resurrection, exitus-reditus}, }