@ARTICLE{Kamiński_Ks._Ryszard_Z_2007, author={Kamiński, Ks. Ryszard}, volume={Tom 2}, pages={235-249}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={From Methodology of the Pastoral Theology Summary Pastoral theology conducts four kinds of research: monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary research. The first kind of research is characterized by the common aim and method, the second has the common aim but the methods are different, the third one has both different aims and methods, the forth one has the same methods but different aims. Contemporary pastoral theology requires multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary research, and the pastor of this theology needs to possess the necessary qualifications to do his job properly. The paradigm of pastoral theology is based on the practical syllogism. In the construction of this syllogism, the major preamble of faith contains the general principles of the given case, while the minor preamble of faith contains the analysis of the contemporary reality; the conclusion is normative and timely. In each phase of the pastoral theology research, there are used various working methods. In the first phase of the pastoral theology research (the ecclesiastical phase), apart from the deductive method, there are employed other methods such as: the comparative method, the positive method, exegesis, the interpretation of the text and analogy, etc. The second phase of the research (kairological) includes the historical and theological method, sociological and theological method, and the methods commonly used in the empirical science, such as: observation, interview, soundings, a study based on a questionnaire, and a study based on documents. The study of documents uses such methods as: the historical method, criticism and interpretation of the source material, comparisons, the analysis of the text etc. The third phase (praxeological) of the research of the pastoral theology paradigm, uses synthesis, interpretation and classification, etc.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Z metodologii teologii pastoralnej}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/104133/PDF/Kaminski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/119694}, keywords={teologia pastoralna, nauka teologiczna, nauka praktyczna, praktyka kościelna, normy, zasady, badania multidyscyplinarne, badania interdyscyplinarne, badania intradyscyplinarne, paradygmat teologii pastoralnej, metody robocze, metody empiryczne, metody normatywne}, }