@ARTICLE{Wencki_Krzysztof_Interannual_2000, author={Wencki, Krzysztof}, volume={vol. 21}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={143-152}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Two species of Amphipoda (Hyperiidae), Themisto libellula (Mandt, 1822) and Themisto abyssorum (Boeck, 1870), were collected with the use of a WP-2 net from the area be­tween Nordkapp and Spitsbergen (73° to 78° N) in July of 1993,1996,1997 and 1998. Densities ranged from 6 to 992 ind. 100 m-3 (T. abyssorum) and from 8 to 448 ind. 100 m-3 (r. libellula) and respective total biomass of T. abyssorum from 65.6 to 81.2 mg d.w. 100 m-3 and T. libellula from 59.9 to 131.5 mg d.w. 100 m-3.}, type={Article}, title={Interannual variability in the occurrence of Themisto (Amphipoda) in the north Norwegian Sea}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/110758/PDF-MASTER/2000-3-4_143-152.pdf}, keywords={Arctic plankton, Themisto abyssorum, Themisto libellula, density, biomass}, }