@ARTICLE{Okolodkov_Yuri_B._Algae_1993, author={Okolodkov, Yuri B.}, volume={vol. 14}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={25-32}, howpublished={online}, year={1993}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Eight samples of the ice algae were collected from the annual ice in Tikhaia Bay, Hooker Island, Franz Josef Land. Species composition included 58 diatoms (and some Navicula, Nitzschia and other Pennatophyceae unidentified species), 2 dinoflagellates, 2 chrysophyceans, 1 chlorophycean, 1 cyanophycean and possible dinoflagellate and chrysophycean cysts. The maximum quantity was 132300 cells/l. In 4 samples Aulacoseira granulatu prevailed, in other samples Nitzschia frigida, N. cylindrus, Rhizoclonium sp. and dinoflagellate cysts dominated. Xanthiopyxis polaris found by Gran (1904) in Arctic sea ice and referred to the diatoms is, possibly, the dinoflagellate cyst. On the whole, the ice community consisted of benthic and planktonic-benthic species of mainly marine and brackishwater-marine pennate diatoms, their resting stages, freshwater unicellular algae and marine chlorophycean.}, type={Article}, title={Algae in the annual sea ice at Hooker Island, Franz Josef Land, in August 1991}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111031/PDF-MASTER/1993-1_025-032.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, Franz Josef Land, phycology, sea-ice algae}, }