@ARTICLE{Kłysz_Piotr_Late_1989, author={Kłysz, Piotr and Lindner, Leszek and Marks, Leszek and Wysokiński, Lech}, volume={vol. 10}, number={No 3}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={277-301}, howpublished={online}, year={1989}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={This article presents characteristics of the Quaternary deposits and landforms of Ebbadalen, the Nordenskióldbreen foreląnd and the Wordiekammen massif on the basis of geomorphological mapping of this area and a number of geologic profiles A—L studied in detail. Glaciers were much more expanded during the Pleistocene than they are nowadays. Over a period referred to by the present authors as the Petuniabukta-Adolfbukta Stage they occupied the whole Ebbadalen area and the eastern part of Adolfbukta. Marine terraces of 70- 80, 60—65 and 50—55 m a.s.l. were formed earlier. At the turn of the Pleistocene three marine terraces were produced at 40—45, 30—35 and 20—25 m a.s.l. Throughout the Early Holocene transgression (the Ebbadalen Stage = the Thomsondalen Stage) glaciers occurred in nearly the entire Ebbadalen area and occupied a larger part of Adolfbukta than nowadays. During the Middle and Late Holocene marine terraces of 12—15, 5—8, 3—4 and 1—2 m a.s.l. were initiated. Two more glacier advances, the later relating to the Little Ice Age, took place during the Late Holocene}, type={Article}, title={Late Pleistocene and Holocene relief remodelling in the Ebbadalen-Nordenskiöldbreen region in Olav V Land, central Spitsbergen}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111227/PDF/1989_3_277-301.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, Spitsbergen, Quaternary, landforms and sediments}, }