@ARTICLE{Mężykowski_Tomasz_Distribution_1982, author={Mężykowski, Tomasz}, volume={vol. 3}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={171-182}, howpublished={online}, year={1982}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Following compounds were determined in samples from Bransfield Strait and southern part of Drake Passage (area "A"): dissolved free- and combined amino acids, dissolved mono- and polisaccharides and urea. Concentration of urea in most samples ranges from traces to 1.5 μgat Nurea-1 and total urea content in water column from 10 to 150 m lies between 19.23 and 197.4 mgat Nurea . Dissolved free amino acids concentration ranges from 0 to 0.60μg x 1-1 and total free amino acid content are found to be between 20 and 60 mmol. Concentrations of combined amino acids lay below 7 μmol x 1-11 and integrated value for combined amino acids fluctuates between traces and 450 mmol. Monosaccharides concentrations in most samples do not exceed 2.5 μmol x l-1 and their content in water column lies below 180 mmol. Polysaccharides content in water column ranges from 1.8 to 3.94 mol and concentrations vary between 8 and 32 //mol-1 1. Evident differences in the content of dissolved organic compounds between Bransfield Strait and southern part of Drake Passage were found.}, type={Article}, title={Distribution of dissolved amino acids, dissolved saccharides and urea in the southern Drake Passage and the Bransfield Strait during BIOMASS-FIBEX, 1981}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111541/PDF-MASTER/1982_3-4_171-182.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, FIBEX, dissolved amino acids, dissolved saccharides, urea}, }