@ARTICLE{Zdanowski_Marek_K._Distribution_1982, author={Zdanowski, Marek K.}, volume={vol. 3}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={183-191}, howpublished={online}, year={1982}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Numbers of saprophytic bacteria were determined by the plate count in samples obtained at 45 oceanographic stations, from six standard depths between 10 and 150 m. Depending on the sampling place, the numbers of bacteria fluctuated between 0.8 x 102 to 4.3 x l 04 x 1-1 and 1.2 x l07 to 1.3 x 108, in a water column under 1 m2 sea surface. Most of saprophytic bacteria were observed at stations located south and south-east of the King George Island, and also north and north-west of the Anvers Island. Fewer numbers were found in areas of large krill swarms in the Bransfield Strait, between 58°30' and 62°30' W, and in the north-western part of the research area, far away from the South Shetland Islands.}, type={Article}, title={Distribution of saprophytic bacteria in the southern Drake Passage and in the Bransfield Strait (February—March 1981, BIOMASS-FIBEX)}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/111542/PDF-MASTER/1982_3-4_183-191.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, saprophytic bacteria distribution}, }