@ARTICLE{Kosecki_Artur_About_2020, author={Kosecki, Artur}, number={No 4}, journal={Przegląd Filozoficzny. Nowa Seria}, pages={249-262}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Filozoficznych PAN}, publisher={Wydział Filozofii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego}, abstract={Social ontology is a philosophical discipline on the basis of which an inquiry about the actual ontological status of such objects as money or churches can be undertaken. Such objects belong to socio-cultural reality. Within the field of social ontology philosophers look for answers to the following two questions: (Q1) How does an objective social reality arise? (Q2) How does an objective social reality continue to persist? Roman Ingarden conducted advanced research on the question of existence and on different forms of existence. He was also engulfed in the study of arts and culture. In this article I undertake to analyze Ingarden’s views on socio‑cultural reality and consider his position on the nature of social ontology. I also propose answers to questions (Q1) and (Q2).}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={About the existence of an objective social reality. Roman Ingarden and the question of social ontology}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/118075/PDF/2020-04-PFIL-16-Kosecki.pdf}, doi={10.24425/pfns.2020.135073}, keywords={existence, R. Ingarden, social ontology, society}, }