@ARTICLE{Pryshliak_Natalia_The_2021, author={Pryshliak, Natalia and Tokarchuk, Dina and Shevchuk, Hanna}, volume={vol. 24}, number={No 1}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={133-152}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The beginning of the XXI century was marked by a transitional period in the formation of the world energy system. The issue of energy saving is characterized by significant diversity and is a necessary strategic direction for the efficient use of production capacity with optimal energy costs. Intensive economic development and the use of non-renewable natural resources are currently of concern due to the danger of disturbing the ecological balance in the environment due to the burning of huge amounts of fossil fuels and emissions of various harmful substances. Biofuel production is becoming an alternative to traditional energy and can be a guarantee of solving problems of energy efficient and environmentally friendly development of rural areas. This work is a continuation of research work on the efficiency of biofuels production from energy crops and waste. The aim of the research is to assess the importance of biofuels production from the energy, economic and social aspects for sustainable development of rural areas of the world and Ukraine in particular. The conducted SWOT-analysis made it possible to determine the strategic directions of world biofuels production development. The results showed that biofuels production has a significant potential to decarbonize the economy, reduce reliance on crude oil, improve the environment by reducing emissions, create new “green” jobs in rural areas. The combination of social, economic and energy benefits will have a synergistic effect.}, type={Article}, title={The socio-economic and environmental importance of developing biofuels: the Ukrainian case on the international arena}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/119552/PDF/08-Pryshliak-i-inni.pdf}, keywords={energy efficiency, ecology, biofuels, rural development, social effect}, }