@ARTICLE{Nyenno_Iryna_Digital_2021, author={Nyenno, Iryna and Truba, Vyacheslav and Lomachynska, Iryna and Mazur, Olena}, volume={vol. 24}, number={No 4}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={139-152}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The importance of increasing the level of renewable energy sources is connected with the fact that its share in the total volume of energy consumption is still insufficient. This is why this article focuses on the development of the motivation system aimed at the more active transition to renewable sources consumption in the balanced combination alongside the traditional sources. The research question is whether digital public goods (DPG) may be a mean to support “Affordable and Clean Energy’’ use. The theoretical approach to our research problem is stakeholder’s theory, while the concept applied to the motivation mechanism implementation is the United Nations Organization’s concept of sustainable development goals (SDG). The research design is as follows: study of the actual data of energy structure of the world economy; identification of the current instruments of renewable energy distribution; analysis of the DPG as a perspective form of the sustainable energy behavior introduced [AO1] in the digitalized environment; definition of the energy industry stakeholders; development of the architecture of energy consumption by DPG application to reach SDG “Affordable and Clean Energy”. The main findings of the study are that DPG has been found to be a relevant means for the motivation and support of sustainable energy behavior through the architecture of energy consumption, based on research and development, customer relationship management, corporate social responsibility – sustainable development, technical implementation, and the diversity of traditional and alternative sources of energy.}, type={Article}, title={Digital public goods as a means to support affordable and clean energy}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/122125/PDF-MASTER/10-Nyeno.pdf}, keywords={energy, system, digital public goods, sustainable development goal, value}, }