@ARTICLE{Milejski_Paweł_Numismatic_2021, author={Milejski, Paweł}, volume={Rok LXV}, pages={173-202}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={During archaeological excavation conducted in 2017 between the streets of St. Katarzyna, St. Wit, Wit Stwosz and Nowy Targ Square in Wrocław 46 numismatic objects were discovered – 37 coins, 4 jetons, 4 objects related to numismatics (silver planchet, a small piece of cast silver and two containers for bracteates – one lid and one bottom, from various containers) and one lead token. Early medieval, late medieval and early modern coins appeared. The most interesting are the thirteenth-century Silesian bracteates of the Ratajski and Kałowice types. During excavation a rare Prague parvus of Wenceslas II was also found. Among all the coins, one of the most interesting is counterfeited West Pomeranian denier of Bogusław I, Duke of Pomerania. All analyzed coins constitute a cumulative find that was found in one of Wrocław’s auxiliary markets of medieval origin.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Numismatic Material from Archaeological Excavation between Streets St. Katarzyny, St. Wita, Wita Stwosza and Nowy Targ Square in Wrocław}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/122236/PDF-MASTER/2021-WNUM-08-Milejski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/wn.2021.138454}, keywords={Wroclaw, Nowy Targ Square, single find, cumulative find, cross deniers, Silesian bracteates, Silesian kwartnik}, }