@ARTICLE{Antoniuk_Nataliia_The_2022, author={Antoniuk, Nataliia and Kulczycka, Joanna}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 4}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={115-134}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i EnergiÄ… PAN}, abstract={This article discusses the advantages of using renewable energy resources (RES), analyzes the resource potential of Ukraine in terms of energy production and substantiates the benefits of using RES for energy security. It explores the potential of the existing technological infrastructure for the sustainable development of the energy industry in Ukraine. It also identifies the structure of energy capacities and the technically achievable potential of energy production from RES and alternative fuels as a basis for different scenarios for the prospective development of alternative energy in Ukraine. The development of solar, wind and bioenergy is analyzed in line with policy recommendation traced with the dynamics of the final volume of energy consumption in Ukraine. This enables improvements to the methodology for determining the target parameters of energy security with the available resource potential, which forms the basis for the dynamics models of integral indices of components of energy security. These models demonstrate the current state of energy security of Ukraine in terms of resource potential, economic sufficiency, and institutional and organizational support for the use of energy resources. The article suggests the key management directions of energy policy in Ukraine and the mechanism of emergency response to the shortage of energy supply. The development of alternative energy is considered as a path to the energy independence of the national economy of Ukraine and Europe.}, type={Article}, title={The management of renewable energy resources for the energy security of Ukraine and Europe}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/125728/PDF/07-PE-07-Antoniuk%20i%20Kulczycka.pdf}, keywords={national economy, renewable energy resources, alternative energy, models of energy security components, management}, }