@ARTICLE{Pryshliak_Natalia_The_2022, author={Pryshliak, Natalia and Bondarenko, Valerii and Sokoliuk, Serhii and Brovarets, Oleksandr}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 4}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={149-164}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={Ukraine’s commitments under the international framework agreements to reduce CO 2 emissions and the Global Climate Change Initiative provide the basis for the implementation of bioeconomy mechanisms in the country’s Energy Development Strategy until 2035. One of the goals of this strategy is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and switch to alternative fuels. The agriculture of Ukraine is assigned the leading role in ensuring the replacement of fossil fuels with biomass of plant origin. The bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial sector of the economy requires extensive research in order to determine and integrate it into the country’s energy sector. The essential characteristics of energy efficiency in the context of the cluster model of organizing the activities of enterprises for the production of biofuel as stable interactions of geographically concentrated economic entities are investigated in this article. Peculiarities of introduction of bioenergy clusters as stable interactions of geographically concentrated business entities (enterprises, suppliers and organizations, including scientific institutions, etc.) have been determined according to a pre-defined and agreed development strategy for all participants without exception at the stage of formation of which the competitive environment is supported taking into account the energy, ecological and socio-economic parameters of the sustainable development of territories. A model of a territorial bioenergy cluster for the production of biofuels from crops and waste was formed and the advantages of creating bioenergy clusters were analyzed. Furthermore, a matrix of a PEST analysis of the formation of bioenergy clusters in Ukraine was formed.}, type={Article}, title={The formation of a bioenergy cluster for the production of biofuels from agricultural crops and waste: the experience of Ukraine}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/125730/PDF/09-PE-07-Pryshliak-i-inni.pdf}, keywords={sustainable development, cluster, biofuel production, bioenergy, economic development}, }