@ARTICLE{Mohamed_Mohamad_Afendee_A_2023, author={Mohamed, Mohamad Afendee and Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian and Hannachi, Fareh and Sambas, Aceng and Darwin, P.}, volume={vol. 33}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Control Sciences}, pages={711-735}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Committee of Automatic Control and Robotics PAS}, abstract={In this work, a new 3-D modified WINDMI chaotic jerk system with exponential and sinusoidal nonlinearities is presented and its dynamical behaviours and properties are investigated. Firstly, some properties of the system are studied such as equilibrium points and their stability, Lyapunov exponents and Kaplan-Yorke dimension. Also, we study the new jerk system dynamics using numerical simulations and analyses, including phase portraits, Lyapunouv exponent spectrum, bifurcation diagram and Poincaré map, 0-1 test. Next, we exhibit that the new 3-D chaotic modified WINDMI jerk system has multistability with coexisting chaotic attractors. Moreover, we design an electronic circuit using MultiSim 14.1 for real implementation of the modified WINDMI chaotic jerk system. Finally, we design an active synchronization scheme for the complete synchronization of the modified WINDMI chaotic jerk systems via backstepping control.}, type={Article}, title={A new modified WINDMI jerk system with exponential and sinusoidal nonlinearities, its bifurcation analysis, multistability, circuit simulation and synchronization design}, URL={http://sd.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/130014/art01_int_low.pdf}, doi={10.24425/acs.2023.148878}, keywords={chaos, jerk systems, chaotic systems, Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation, multistability, circuit simulation, backstepping control}, }